Welcome to Chulafarm

We are a company founded in August 2015, dedicated mainly to the cultivation of strawberries of high quality standards for export.

Our infrastructure

Top process quality plant.
Pre-cold and conservation chambers to provide the best service to our customers.

Our team

Highly qualified agronomists.
Trained personnel to carry out the cultivation process.
Pre-cold and conservation chambers to provide the best service to our customers.

Our Mission

To be recognized as the leading company in the production of high-quality strawberries for sale in the national and international markets, ratifying Chulafarm's commitment to offer a highly reliable product, based on the fact that the processes for its consumption are carried out a through innovative models that contribute to economic, environmental and social sustainability.

Our Vission

Position ourselves nationally and internationally. Maintaining growth, innovating and generating employment and well-being for the community, contributing to local economic development while preserving our values.

Our values

Respect, responsibility, teamwork, honesty and commitment.

Our team

Francisco Hernández


Zuleyma Hernandez

General Manager

Marco César Dorantes

Senior Manager of International Trade

Our Certifications

We have internationally certified our refrigeration chambers, crops and processors.